Campus Tours
More about our campus
Our campus boasts a large green space which becomes a public park after school hours. Bleacher seating and shaded picnic tables for eating are available.
Students also have access to a blacktop decked with tetherball and basketball posts, and a freestanding hand ball wall with inspiring murals from local artists.
The blacktop includes two large, shaded areas consisting of padded cement pillars and solar paneled roofs to protect students from excess sunlight.
We have two play structures on the campus for lower and upper grades. Pre-Kindergarten has their own enclosure on the compound.
Madison's cafeteria is very warm and inviting. It has bench style tables and gloss finished, plank hardwood floors. All meals are free and include breakfast, second chance breakfast (during student's first recess), lunch, and supper (for students who attend afterschool programs). View meal menu.
Our spacious library has built-in carpeted risers so students can gather and listen to guest speakers comfortably. In addition, Madison's historic auditorium is complete with a performance stage.
Finally, community members have recently beautified our herb and vegetable garden. Madison's resident gardening instructor gives scheduled lessons to our students. New expansion plans include growing flowers near the cafeteria and sunflowers near the TK area.